Proceeds from Girl Scout cookie sales stay local. | Darren Halstead/Unsplash
Proceeds from Girl Scout cookie sales stay local. | Darren Halstead/Unsplash
If you have ever wondered where the money from the sale of Girl Scout cookies goes, WKOW asked that question recently.
The station interviewed Stella Tincher, a sixth grade Girl Scout, who hopes to sell 350 boxes this year.
With the money earned, her troop hopes to give 10 cents for each box to a local charity, the station said.
"With a little bit more of the money, we like to buy our badges and supplies we need for upcoming meetings," she told the station.
The money that remains after that will be used for troop outings, Tincher said.
All the proceeds from cookies sales stay within the local community, the Girl Scouts said on the organization's website.
"Do you know what’s even sweeter than Girl Scout cookies?" the scouts said. "Every box of cookies you buy from your neighborhood Girl Scout stays local. Proceeds from your purchase help fund incredible adventures like camping and bold ideas like a local recycling program. Support your community by purchasing cookies from a local Girl Scout today!"
Among the skills girl scouts learn from cookie sales are goal setting, business ethics and decision-making, the organization said.
If you don't know a girl scout, you can download a "Cookie Finder" app to locate a troop or booth, the Girl Scouts said.