
Madison Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Dane County: White students were most represented ethnicity in 2023-24 school year

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Stoughton Area School District Superintendent Dan Keyser (2023) | Stoughton Area School District

Stoughton Area School District Superintendent Dan Keyser (2023) | Stoughton Area School District

Among the many ethnicities represented in Dane County schools, white was the most prevalent ethnicity among students in the 2023-24 school year, according to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

Of the 77,279 students attending Dane County schools, 60.8% were white. Hispanic students were the second largest ethnicity, making up 15.3% of Dane County students.

In the previous school year, white students were also the most common group in Dane County, representing 61.8% of the student body.

Countywide, 4K McFarland had the most even distribution of races, which included 87.5% white students, 4.2% Asian students, 3.3% Hispanic students, 3.3% multiracial students, and 1.7% Black students.

In the 2023-24 school year, the total number of students enrolled in public schools in the county increased slightly compared to the previous year.

According to the NAEP's 2022 results, there was a significant achievement gap between ethnic groups in Wisconsin. On average, white students outperformed Black students by 40 to 50 points in mathematics and reading. Hispanic students also scored lower than their white peers in both subjects, with an average gap of about 20 points.

Ethnicities in Dane County in 2023-24 School Year
White [60.8%]Hispanic [15.3%]Black [9.8%]Multiracial [7.7%]Asian [6%]Ethnicities <5% [0.4%]
Most Prevalent Ethnicity in Dane County Schools in 2023-24 School Year
School NameMost Represented EthnicityPercent of Total Student BodyTotal Enrollment
4K McFarlandWhite87.5%120
4K PK Off SiteWhite44.8%594
Allis Elementary SchoolHispanic37.8%357
Arboretum Elementary SchoolWhite84.3%427
Badger Ridge Middle SchoolWhite60.2%752
Badger Rock Middle SchoolHispanic36.4%99
Belleville Elementary SchoolWhite84.2%533
Belleville High SchoolWhite83.7%294
Belleville Middle SchoolWhite82.8%128
Black Earth Elementary SchoolWhite85.1%389
Black Hawk Middle SchoolBlack33.5%376
C. H. Bird Elementary SchoolWhite45.4%328
Cambridge Elementary SchoolWhite92.6%419
Capital High SchoolBlack45.5%123
Central Heights Middle SchoolWhite56.2%498
Cesar Chavez Elementary SchoolWhite44%652
Cherokee Heights Middle SchoolHispanic41.9%537
Clark Street Community SchoolWhite78.6%103
Conrad Elvehjem Primary SchoolWhite82.5%473
Core Knowledge Charter SchoolWhite74.7%419
Cottage Grove Elementary SchoolWhite76.7%305
Country View Elementary SchoolWhite57.5%374
Creekside Elementary SchoolWhite43.1%362
Crestwood Elementary SchoolWhite58.2%287
De Forest High SchoolWhite80.4%1,118
De Forest Middle SchoolWhite81.2%568
Deerfield Elementary SchoolWhite86.5%431
Deerfield High SchoolWhite82.3%209
Deerfield Middle SchoolWhite81.1%106
Destinations Career Academy of Wisconsin HighWhite61.8%340
Dr. Virginia Henderson Elementary SchoolHispanic35.6%463
Eagle Point Elementary SchoolWhite77.7%363
Early ChildhoodHispanic47.4%19
East High SchoolWhite35.2%1,644
Eastside Elementary SchoolWhite70.3%417
Elm Lawn Elementary SchoolWhite71.4%336
Elvehjem Elementary SchoolWhite55.3%403
Emerson Elementary SchoolWhite44.5%317
Forest Edge Elementary SchoolWhite76.1%401
Fox Prairie Elementary SchoolWhite83.7%435
Franklin Elementary SchoolWhite64%292
Glacial Drumlin SchoolWhite76.4%763
Glacier Creek Middle SchoolWhite70.4%948
Glacier Edge Elementary SchoolWhite57.4%462
Gompers Elementary SchoolWhite45.9%220
Granite Ridge SchoolWhite77.6%477
Hamilton Middle SchoolWhite62.4%768
Harvest Intermediate SchoolWhite79.8%950
Hawthorne Elementary SchoolHispanic30.8%321
Holum Education CenterWhite78.6%295
Horizon Elementary SchoolWhite58.5%357
Huegel Elementary SchoolWhite52.4%422
Indian Mound Middle SchoolWhite80%545
Innovative & Alternative High SchoolBlack48.2%139
Insight School of Wisconsin HighWhite45.3%150
James Wright Middle SchoolHispanic47.9%259
Jefferson Middle SchoolHispanic35.1%436
Kegonsa Elementary SchoolWhite83.2%303
Kennedy Elementary SchoolBlack35.9%579
Koshkonong Trails SchoolWhite96.4%28
Kromrey Middle SchoolWhite61.1%1,185
LaFollette High SchoolHispanic34.8%1,527
Lake View Elementary SchoolAsian32.4%287
Lapham Elementary SchoolWhite58.3%211
Leopold Elementary SchoolHispanic45.6%623
Lincoln Elementary SchoolWhite40.8%385
Lindbergh Elementary SchoolBlack28.2%170
Lowell Elementary SchoolWhite50.8%335
Marquette Elementary SchoolWhite62.3%159
Marshall Early Learning CenterWhite65.6%227
Marshall Elementary SchoolWhite62.3%249
Marshall High SchoolWhite66.2%284
Marshall Middle SchoolWhite60.7%117
McFarland High SchoolWhite83.1%740
Meadow View Elementary SchoolWhite33.3%417
Memorial High SchoolWhite42%2,005
Mendota Elementary SchoolBlack55.7%280
Metro SchoolBlack82.6%23
Middleton High SchoolWhite66%2,237
Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District 4KWhite68.3%252
Midvale Elementary SchoolWhite45.4%372
Milele Chikasa Anana Elementary SchoolWhite36.1%454
Monona Grove High SchoolWhite77.9%1,144
Monona Grove Liberal ArtsWhite82.6%86
Mount Horeb Area Community 4KWhite87.3%142
Mount Horeb Early Learning CenterWhite87.4%143
Mount Horeb High SchoolWhite89.7%776
Mount Horeb Intermediate SchoolWhite87.9%512
Mount Horeb Middle SchoolWhite89.4%510
Mount Horeb Primary CenterWhite87.7%308
Muir Elementary SchoolWhite31.3%418
Netherwood Knoll Elementary SchoolWhite89.9%407
New Century SchoolWhite79%124
Nikolay Middle SchoolWhite88.6%201
Northside Elementary SchoolWhite70.3%316
Nuestro MundoHispanic64.8%295
O'Keeffe Middle SchoolWhite51.9%439
Olson Elementary SchoolWhite51.6%452
Orchard Ridge Elementary SchoolWhite41.3%247
Oregon 4KWhite83.6%225
Oregon High SchoolWhite82.6%1,284
Oregon Middle SchoolWhite82.5%639
Park Elementary SchoolWhite84.8%250
Patrick Marsh Middle SchoolWhite63.1%572
Pope Farm Elementary SchoolWhite52.1%403
Prairie Phoenix AcademyWhite39.3%84
Prairie View Elementary SchoolWhite80.4%326
Prairie View Middle SchoolWhite47.2%651
Randall Elementary SchoolWhite68.7%316
River Bluff Middle SchoolWhite79.2%572
Rome Corners Intermediate SchoolWhite85.7%483
Royal Oaks Elementary SchoolWhite62.3%422
SASD 4KWhite79.5%185
Sandburg Elementary SchoolHispanic48.9%411
Sandhill Elementary SchoolWhite78.3%410
Sauk Trail Elementary SchoolWhite48.1%393
Savanna Oaks Middle SchoolWhite61.6%380
Schenk Elementary SchoolWhite30.9%444
Sennett Middle SchoolHispanic39.7%579
Shabazz-City High SchoolWhite57%114
Sherman Middle SchoolHispanic32%385
Shorewood Hills Elementary SchoolWhite47.1%382
Spring Harbor Middle SchoolWhite55.6%270
Stephens Elementary SchoolWhite43.2%482
Stoner Prairie Elementary SchoolWhite57.9%385
Stoughton High SchoolWhite80.9%864
Sugar Creek Elementary SchoolWhite59.7%683
Sun Prairie Four KidsWhite52.8%301
Sun Prairie High SchoolWhite63.9%1,275
Sun Prairie West High SchoolWhite53.5%1,333
Sunset Ridge Elementary SchoolWhite70.5%298
Taylor Prairie Elementary SchoolWhite73.8%279
Thoreau Elementary SchoolWhite50%398
Token Springs Elementary SchoolWhite82.5%456
Toki Middle SchoolWhite41.3%538
Van Hise Elementary SchoolWhite59.4%421
Verona Area High SchoolWhite57.8%1,789
Verona Area International SchoolWhite54.2%118
Verona Area K4White67.5%289
Waubesa Intermediate SchoolWhite80.9%512
Waunakee Community 4K SchoolWhite83.5%237
Waunakee Heritage Elementary SchoolWhite77.9%575
Waunakee High SchoolWhite85.3%1,346
Waunakee Intermediate SchoolWhite80%620
Waunakee Middle SchoolWhite81.4%681
Waunakee Prairie Elementary SchoolWhite84.7%524
West High SchoolWhite51.4%2,137
West Middleton Elementary SchoolWhite71.3%338
Westside Elementary SchoolBlack32.3%443
Whitehorse Middle SchoolWhite29.5%400
Windsor Elementary SchoolWhite81.3%512
Winnequah SchoolWhite75.4%642
Wisconsin Heights High SchoolWhite86.3%219
Wisconsin Heights Middle SchoolWhite93.9%164
Wisconsin Virtual Academy High (WIVA)White59.8%1,423
Wisconsin Virtual Academy K-8 (WIVA)White48.1%1,336
Yahara Elementary SchoolWhite81%347


Eagle Point Elementary SchoolPatrick Marsh Middle SchoolNorthside Elementary SchoolMount Horeb Primary CenterWindsor Elementary SchoolDestinations Career Academy of Wisconsin HighNorthside Elementary SchoolSasd 4kSherman Middle SchoolWisconsin Department of Public InstructionDr. Virginia Henderson Elementary SchoolFranklin Elementary SchoolMiddleton-Cross Plains Area School District 4kArboretum Elementary SchoolShorewood Hills Elementary SchoolEmerson Elementary SchoolMetro SchoolStephens Elementary SchoolWaunakee Prairie Elementary SchoolKoshkonong Trails SchoolCottage Grove Elementary SchoolKennedy Elementary SchoolRome Corners Intermediate SchoolMount Horeb Middle SchoolMonona Grove Liberal ArtsJefferson Middle SchoolMount Horeb IntermediateVan Hise Elementary SchoolSugar Creek Elementary SchoolEastside Elementary SchoolKegonsa Elementary SchoolStoner Prairie Elementary SchoolHawthorne Elementary SchoolMilele Chikasa Anana Elementary SchoolSandhill Elementary SchoolVerona Area High SchoolKromrey Middle SchoolNew Century SchoolDeerfield Middle SchoolOregon Middle SchoolWisconsin Virtual Academy (wiva)River Bluff Middle SchoolSun Prairie West High SchoolMeadow View Elementary SchoolWestside Elementary SchoolJames Wright Middle SchoolCherokee Heights Middle SchoolMarshall Elementary SchoolCore Knowledge Charter SchoolTaylor Prairie Elementary SchoolYahara Elementary SchoolBadger Rock Middle SchoolSpring Harbor Middle SchoolMonona Grove High SchoolPrairie Phoenix AcademyO'Keeffe Middle SchoolPrairie View Elementary SchoolHarvest Intermediate SchoolPope Farm Elementary SchoolWinnequah SchoolElvehjem Elementary SchoolWaunakee IntermediateDe Forest High SchoolOregon High SchoolSennett Middle SchoolSauk Trail Elementary SchoolMarshall High SchoolBelleville Middle SchoolHamilton Middle SchoolGlacial Drumlin SchoolWest Middleton Elementary SchoolWaunakee Community 4k SchoolGompers Elementary SchoolMuir Elementary SchoolCreekside Elementary SchoolClark Street Community SchoolMount Horeb Area Community 4KC. H. Bird Elementary SchoolNikolay Middle SchoolVerona Area International SchoolInsight School of Wisconsin HighLincoln Elementary SchoolCrestwood Elementary SchoolEarly ChildhoodCesar Chavez Elementary SchoolBlack Hawk Middle SchoolWisconsin Heights Middle SchoolForest Edge Elementary SchoolWest High SchoolDeerfield High SchoolHorizon Elementary SchoolWaubesa Intermediate SchoolLafollette High SchoolInnovative & Alternative High SchoolMendota Elementary SchoolGlacier Edge Elementary SchoolCambridge Elementary School4K PK Off SiteLapham Elementary SchoolSun Prairie Four KidsWaunakee Middle SchoolToki Middle SchoolMidvale Elementary SchoolLeopold Elementary SchoolLake View Elementary SchoolElm Lawn Elementary SchoolOlson Elementary SchoolMarquette Elementary SchoolOrchard Ridge Elementary SchoolSun Prairie High SchoolSchenk Elementary SchoolDe Forest Middle SchoolMcFarland High SchoolWhitehorse Middle SchoolWisconsin Virtual Academy High (WIVA)Stoughton High SchoolCapital High SchoolIndian Mound Middle SchoolWaunakee High SchoolRandall Elementary SchoolHolum Educational CenterPrairie View Middle SchoolNuestro MundoShabazz-City High SchoolCentral Heights Middle SchoolPark Elementary SchoolThoreau Elementary School4K McFarlandBadger Ridge Middle SchoolWaunakee Heritage Elementary SchoolRoyal Oaks Elementary SchoolOregon 4kMount Horeb Early Learning CenterGlacier Creek Middle SchoolMemorial High SchoolBlack Earth Elementary SchoolVerona Area K4Savanna Oaks Middle SchoolWisconsin Heights High SchoolLindbergh Elementary SchoolNetherwood Knoll Elementary SchoolCountry View Elementary SchoolMarshall Early Learning CenterBelleville Elementary SchoolFox Prairie Elementary SchoolMount Horeb High SchoolSandburg Elementary SchoolAllis Elementary SchoolToken Springs Elementary SchoolBelleville High SchoolHuegel Elementary SchoolLowell Elementary SchoolSunset Ridge Elementary SchoolMiddleton High SchoolConrad Elvehjem Primary SchoolEast High SchoolGranite Ridge SchoolDeerfield Elementary SchoolMarshall Middle School


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