Sun Prairie Area School District Superintendent Brad Saron (2023) | Sun Prairie Area School District
Sun Prairie Area School District Superintendent Brad Saron (2023) | Sun Prairie Area School District
The school district's tax levy has increased by 12.6% this year, raising questions among residents about the reasons behind the rise and the expected impact from a recent referendum. While some anticipated a 30-cent increase on the mill rate due to the referendum, it is important to note that this is distinct from annual changes in school taxes.
Annually, school districts adjust taxes to fund operations and manage existing debts, independent of any referendums. Even without this year's referendum, taxes would have risen due to several factors only fully understood shortly before the November 5, 2024 vote.
A significant reason for the increase is an influx of 187 new students requiring additional resources such as teachers and transportation. The district was unaware of these numbers until late September. Furthermore, inflation adjustments permitted by the state allowed schools an extra $325 per student; however, funding remains over $2,000 per pupil below inflation levels.
Additional costs arose from services needed for special education and language learning for new students, information that became available only on October 15. Moreover, lower-than-expected state aid added to local taxpayers' burdens when anticipated funds fell short by $400,000 compared to initial July estimates.
Taxpayers also faced increased costs associated with private voucher or charter schools attended by local students—a rise of $223,000 or 19%. This was communicated by the state on October 15 as well. Taxes further contribute to repaying voter-approved debt from past building projects.
These combined elements led to a $7.2 million or 9.3% increase in the tax levy while maintaining last year's mill rate at $9.86.
The approved referendum allowed for an additional $3 million allocation toward teacher salaries but resulted in only a $2.5 million tax levy addition to maintain a promised mill rate of $10.16 in referendum materials.
Residents may experience varied impacts based on location; those in Town of Sun Prairie saw higher increases than City of Sun Prairie residents who faced hikes between 10–12%.
Recognizing complexities within Wisconsin's school funding system, clear communication remains essential for community understanding regarding property taxes and assessments.