Satya Rhodes-Conway Mayor at City of Madison | Facebook Website
Satya Rhodes-Conway Mayor at City of Madison | Facebook Website
The City of Madison Clerk’s Office has distributed absentee ballots to 24,492 voters for the upcoming election on April 1. As of now, only 806 of these ballots have been returned.
The Clerk’s Office advises voters planning to return their absentee ballots by mail to do so promptly. According to reports from voters, it may take between 10 to 14 days for an absentee ballot to reach the Clerk’s Office.
Absentee ballots received after Election Day will not be counted, regardless of the postmark date. On Election Day, the Clerk’s Office will deliver your absentee ballot to your designated polling place for counting.
To ensure proper processing, the absentee envelope must be sealed and signed by both the voter and a witness. It should also include the printed name and address of the witness.
For those who have not yet returned their absentee ballot, there are several options available:
- Mail the absentee ballot back to the Clerk’s Office as soon as possible.
- Deliver it in person to Clerk’s Office personnel at any City of Madison in-person absentee voting site during voting hours. In-person absentee voting starts on Tuesday, March 18.
- Use one of Madison's 14 secure ballot drop boxes. These are emptied daily by a team of two poll workers and are available until 5 p.m. on the day before the election.
If you choose to vote at the polls instead, you should destroy any absentee ballot that was mailed to you.
State law requires individuals to return their own ballots. However, under the Voting Rights Act, assistance is allowed for those with disabilities needing help mailing or delivering their ballot. The helper cannot be your employer or an agent thereof or an officer or agent of your union.
Voters who have already returned their absentee ballots are not permitted to vote at polling stations on Election Day.